الثلاثاء، 16 أكتوبر 2012

ندوة بمايو عن النسوانية الإسلامية بشمال إفريقيا Islamic Feminism in the Context of North Africa

Center for Human & Social Studies and Researches
Cultural & Art Studies Unit
Oujda / Morocco
Faculty of Letters & Humanities
English Department
Oujda/ Morocco
The Cultural & Art Studies Unit of Oujda Centre for Human & Social Studies and Research
in collaboration with
Faculty of Letters & Humanities in Oujda - Morocco
An International Conference

Islamic Feminism in
the Context
of North Africa

May 17, 18 2013
The very recent phenomenon called Islamic feminism has received quite a lot of attention from academics and media alike. Although it is a discourse whose method and praxis are basically script related, there seems to be a tendency to perceive Islamic feminism as a singular movement for transnational social or political change. Yet, many others would protest that Islamic feminism is an oxymoron, is it? Or is it rather representative of the ways in which post-colonial women elsewhere are negotiating a space for a position and identity? The term Islamic feminism entices us to consider what it implies to have a double engagement: to a faith position on the one hand, and to women’s rights on the other hand. The epithet Islamic feminism combines then these two hallmarks depicting the emergence of a new, complex self-positioning that celebrates plural belongings. Indeed, the story of feminism in North Africa is rooted in the socio-political and religious context and from its very heyday it articulated a consciousness about the unequal gender relations and female marginalization in the public realm. Many North African feminists (whether belonging to the religious or secular trends) share a common belief as how to empower themselves as women and how to erase the common stereotypes against women. From their multiple positions they are criticizing the global, local, and domestic institutions they consider as damaging to them as women. Our aim in this conference is to study how Arab feminists deploy the Islamic and liberal discourses to create a space of power as they emerge from the margins into representation, how they redefine gender identities and how they position themselves as they construct their own religious identities. Areas of interest could include but are not limited to:
—The conception of Islamic feminism
—Islamic feminism and Western feminism: conversion and diversion
—Feminism in North Africa within the context of secularism and Islam
—North African feminist views on gender equality with the upsurge of Islamic feminism
—Women’s writings in North Africa and female subjectivity
—Moroccan experience of Islamic Feminism
—Culture, history and religion in North African feminist literature
—The instrumentalization of Muslim woman by the media
Important Dates:
Abstracts should be submitted electronically by January 30th, 2013.
They should be addressed to the following email address:
ifcna2013@gmail.com; contact@cerhso.com
Abstract acceptance notification: February 20th, 2013
Communications can be both in English and French.
Submission of Final Papers Ready for Publication: April 30th, 2013.
Format of Papers
- Proposal Papers:
Kindly submit a 300-word abstract, providing
Title of presentation, first name, surname, affiliation, email address, telephone, and fax if applicable, and a short biography.
- Final Papers
The final version of papers should not exceed 25 pages, including bibliography and indices if any, and kindly respecting the following requirements:
Font: Times New Roman (12 points), line-spacing 1,5– justified.
Format: A4, margins 2, 5 cm.
On the first page :
Paper title: (Times 18).
The name of the author, and that of the institution to which the author is affiliated (Times 14).
Contact information of the author, telephone, fax if applicable (Times 12).
A short summary (500 words max. Times 12), in English and French.
5 key words (Times 12).
The Referencing Style:
- MLA style
- Footnotes
- Works Cited
Accommodation and Boarding Facilities
- Food and Board are offered for three nights and days to all participants.
- Travel and other expenses are the participants' responsibility.
Organizing Committee:
  • Dr. Mohammed EL KOUCHE
  • Dr. Bouchra BELGAID
  • Dr. Houda KABLY
  • Limame BARBOUCHI
  • Boujemaa El KOUY
  • Mohamed BELBACHA
  • Naima El MAGHNOUGI
  • Abdellah EL BOUBEKRI
Scientific Committee:
  • Mohamed DELLAL, PhD, Mohamed 1st University, Oujda, Morocco
  • Mohamed EL KOUCHE, PhD, Mohamed 1st University, Oujda, Morocco
  • Bouchra Belgaid, PhD, Mohamed 1st University, Oujda, Morocco
  • Houda Kably, PhD, Mohamed 1st University, Oujda, Morocco
For further information , please do not hesitate to send your queries to:

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